Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve Trail

in Evansville, Indiana

Taking a hike through Wesselman Woods is no longer a free afternoon of fun.
As of April 1, 2016 The nature preserve will charge admission to the preserve.

  • Adults will now pay $5 for a day pass.

  • Children ages 3-12 will pay $3.

  • Click for Evansville, Indiana Forecast
  • Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve on Evansville's east side features 200 acres of virgin bottomland hardwood forest and is home to more than 300 species of wildflowers, 150 species of birds and numerous mammals. It is designated as a National Natural Landmark and a State Nature Preserve. Features include a shelter, six miles of walking trails and an amphitheater. The interpretive nature center includes displays, hands-on exhibits, a bird viewing room, meeting rooms, gift shop and library. The Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve Society manages the facility, which is adjacent to Wesselman Park and Wesselman Par 3 Golf Course.

  • Directions: Google Maps
    Trail Map:Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve trail map
    Location: Located on Evansville's East side.
    Website:Wesselman Woods Nature Preserve
    Surface: Dirt, mulch added for mud and drainage. Wooden Bridges and Boardwalks
    Volunteer Form: volunteer.jpg
    See Also:Wabash & Erie Canal Trail in Wesselman Park

    Learn about the Evansville Suburban & Newburgh railway that ran through the park and nature preserve.

    Official Geocaching Location


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    More Photos Here (Summer 2007)
    Wesselman Nature Society Photos
